Past Events
Will Charouhis, Founder of Forces of Nature, amplified
the youth voice on World Environment Day at the United Nations
Stockholm+50 conference.
Forces of Nature spoke with Dr. Jane Goodall
at COP26 on youth eco-anxiety, and their hope's for the future.
Dr. Goodall told us:​
"My hope is the commitment of young people
when they're empowered to take action." Dr. Goodall
is the COP26 honoree for her life's work in environmentalism.
Check out COP26 Webcasts Live from the Streets of Glasgow
Panel with Mayors of Miami on Climate Resilience
Miami is the fastest growing city in America right now, facing the
the worst impacts of climate change, and putting into place the
most advanced adaptation and mitigation measures in the country.
Forces of Nature joined with Fridays for Future to help lead
Global Youth Climate Strikes in Miami, NYC, Madrid, and Glasgow.
We credit our peers with moving the climate conversation to the
front page. Over 11 million youth have participated in climate
strikes, and the numbers are growing everyday. Join up here.
ECOSOC Youth Forum
Founders of Forces of Nature, Will Charouhis and Lily Paden, met with the Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Patricia Espinosa, to share their generation’s concerns. In Executive Secretary Espinosa's address to the youth at The Institute of Peace, she stated: “Young people must be involved in the decision-making.” She denounced the fact that: “Youth perspectives are still viewed by some as something nice to have, rather than integral to the discussion.”
United Nations World Climate Conference of the Parties COP26 Glasgow, Scotland
United Nations World Climate Conference of the Parties COP25 Madrid, Spain
Forces of Nature Hosts Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Foundation
A collaboration of young voices of Miami and Germany on the Climate Crisis
UN Ocean's Conference, Lisbon- ongoing action
From June 24-26, 2022, Will Charouhis, Founder of We Are Forces of Nature, represented the United States at the UN Ocean Youth and Innovation Forum. The ocean covers 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, is home to 80 percent of all life on Earth, generates 50 percent of the oxygen we need, and absorbs 25 percent of all emissions as our planet's largest carbon sink. Scale it up-join us in creating the Five Points for a Healthy Ocean